jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

¿Que se viene?

Bueno, serán añadidas tres pestañas nuevas en el blog:
- Morfofisiología I
- Metodología de la Investigación Científica
- Salud Pública II

Este verano me lo estoy pasando estudiando y relajándome para no caer en el círculo vicioso del estrés, así como afianzando y reforzando algunos propósitos de año nuevo.
En fin, solo eso deseaba comunicar, eso sí, también pasen por mi otro blog:

Quiero hacer de paso un recordatorio, y mirar este post si es que acaso lo olvido:
La medicina es HUMANA. El paciente no es un banco de datos o un órgano, es un ser humano como yo, mi madre, mis parientes, mis amigos, como todos.
Ojalá jamás se me olvide eso.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

Binder de buscadores radiológicos

Lo bueno de este binder es que todos los sitios funcionan correctamente. Nada de dominio en venta (Pícate gDocu)

LINK: Click aquí

Buscadores radiológicos.

1) Buscador: MIRC Project 

40 year old female presenting with abnormal chest sounds
2) Buscador: Yottalook:
Resumen:  Film detail from a small bowel series showing worms in bowel lumen. Barium is present in the worm’s intestinal tract. Diagnosis: Ascariasis Findings: Upper GI study showed thin lines of barium bisecting lines of lucency within the small bowel.
3) Buscador: Radiopaedia

Resumen: A 60-year-old female presented with left sided weakness. A NCCT was conducted to exclude stroke, however, the NCCT revealed bilateral thalamic hypodense lesions associated with significant vasogenic edema. Contrast was given and revealed enhancement of these hypodense lesions. The main consideration was whether these lesions are metastatic in nature, however, the patient is not known to have a primary. MRI was performed and shows bilateral thalamic lesions which are of predominantly low SI on T1 and predominantly of high SI on T2, no restriction is seen in DWI sequences. Those lesions shows thick somehow nodular enhancement, which is usually seen in glioblastoma. Biopsy of one of the lesion revealed glioblastoma (WHO grade IV).

Mi lóbulo frontal no da más.

Artículos, artículos

1) Buscador: JURN.

Strongyloides stercoralis is an intestinal nematode of humans that infects tens of millions of people worldwide. S. stercoralis is unique among intestinal nematodes in its ability to complete its life cycle within the host through an asexual autoinfective cycle, allowing the infection to persist in the host indefinitely. Under some conditions associated with immunocompromise, this autoinfective cycle can become amplified into a potentially fatal hyperinfection syndrome, characterized by increased numbers of infective filariform larvae in stool and sputum and clinical manifestations of the increased parasite burden and migration, such as gastrointestinal bleeding and respiratory distress. S. stercoralis hyperinfection is often accompanied by sepsis or meningitis with enteric organisms. Glucocorticoid treatment and human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 infection are the two conditions most specifically associated with triggering hyperinfection, but cases have been reported in association with hematologic malignancy, malnutrition, and AIDS. Anthelmintic agents such as ivermectin have been used successfully in treating the hyperinfection syndrome as well as for primary and secondary prevention of hyperinfection in patients whose exposure history and underlying condition put them at increased risk. (Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC321465/)

2) Buscador: JANE 

We report a case of melancholic depression with catatonic features presenting as a rapidly progressive organic brain syndrome, initially thought to be probable Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The case highlights the fundamental importance of thorough exclusion of treatable pathology masquerading as an irreversible syndrome.

(Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=24748140)

3) Buscador: Pubget

Exhaled nitric oxide has been used as a means of indirectly measuring the underlying inflammation in asthma. The objectives of the study were to measure exhaled nitric oxide levels in asthma patients and healthy volunteers, to study peripheral blood lymphocyte cytokine expression, and to study the relationship between exhaled nitric oxide and intracellular cytokine expression. Exhaled nitric oxide was elevated in patients with moderate to severe asthma and with treatment decreased in the first week reaching to a near normal level by 4 weeks. Elevated exhaled nitric oxide was associated with decreased IL-4 and IL-13 cytokine expression by CD8 lymphocytes. (Link: http://pubget.com/paper/16517424/exhaled-nitric-oxide-in-asthma-variability-relation-to-asthma-severity-and-peripheral-blood-lymphocyte-cytokine-expression)

4) Buscador: gDocu.

Me reservo el derecho de explicar qué pasó.

5) Buscador: Pubgle

Me reservo nuevamente el derecho.

6) Buscador: Yale Image Finder:
The prognosis among patients who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is poor. Higher survival rates have been observed only in patients with ventricular fibrillation who were fortunate enough to have basic and advanced life support initiated early after cardiac arrest. The ability to predict outcomes of cardiac arrest would be useful for resuscitation chains. Levels of EtCO"2in expired air from lungs during cardiopulmonary resuscitation may serve as a non-invasive predictor of successful resuscitation and survival from cardiac arrest. Six different supervised learning classification techniques were used and evaluated. It has been shown that machine learning methods can provide an efficient way to detect important prognostic factors upon which further emergency unit actions are based. (Link: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1537308.1570549&coll=DL&dl=GUIDE&CFID=605669878&CFTOKEN=51206603)

One Note

One Note es una herramienta que me ha salido muy práctica esta últimas semanas. Prácticamente te permite recopilar información de todos lados, como un cuaderno de apuntes muy práctico.
Si quieres realizar un trabajo de investigación, todo lo que recopiles de la web lo puedes poner en One Note, incluso se guarda la página de origen en casa recorte. Sin duda, un programa que vale la pena tener en el disco duro.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Misión cumplida.

Todo esfuerzo rinde sus frutos. He llegado a esta conclusión un poco tarde, pero llegué a ella. He terminado satisfactoriamente el curso de Microbiología y Parasitología.
Gracias profes José Llontop y Antero Yacarini; gracias miss Zhandra y miss Marita (La mejor).
Ojalá vuelva a ser su alumna en un futuro no muy lejano.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Google Docs

Henos aquí... El trabajo en grupo más coordinado jamás visto.